miércoles, 29 de enero de 2014

The city as a virtual museum (21/22 February Lisbon)


There are many intellectuals who in recent decades have understood “the city as a museum of historical memory”. Thus was born the so-called Urban Museology ie the interpretation of the city as a museum object configured by its architecture, history, art, culture, etc. It is therefore a version of the museum outside the museum, a “city musealization” that intends to apply the museological strategies into the urban fabric as a form of socio-economic and cultural revitalization of historic city. New technologies, especially those related to 3D, open the possibility of going beyond, to help citizens and tourists to be aware of the transformations of the city and the surrounding territory along its history. The city and virtual museums are an odd couple begins to establish itself as a formula for success in many countries.

The primary objective of the Thematic Cluster Meeting is to provide a multidisciplinary and innovative perspective of new digital museological techniques of urban environments, especially the new possibilities offered by three-dimensional reconstructions in the valuation of historic cities.


The Thematic Cluster Meeting is aimed at professionals, researchers, students or interested: art students, architects, museum curators, curators, designers, heritage specialists, archaeologists, historians, restorers, computer technicians, Cultural and Heritage managers, teachers, etc. And all those research groups, companies and institutions develop their work in the field of documentation, conservation, preservation, presentation and dissemination of urban cultural heritage.

Auditório J. J. Laginha, Lisbon (Portugal).

February 21 and 22, 2014

SPEAKERS 21 February
9:30-10:00 Opening

10:00-11:00 New museography for old cities.
Victor Manuel Lopez-Menchero Bendicho. Spanish Society of Virtual Archaeology (Spain).

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break

11:30-12:30 “Matera: tales of a city” project: an original multiplatform guide on mobile devices
Eva Pietroni. CNR Institute of Technologies Applied to Cultural Heritage (Italy).

12:30-13:00 Discussion

13:00-14:30 Lunch

14:30-15:30 Lisbon 31st October 1755: the city imaginary museum
Paulo Rodrigues; Helena Murteira; Alexandra G. Câmara. Universidade de Evora (Portugal).

15:30-16:30 Between real and virtual: Lisbon’s City Museum as a place of change and transformation António Miranda. Museu da Cidade Lisbon (Portugal).

16:30-17:00 Coffee Break

17:00-18:00 Discussion

SPEAKERS 22 February

9:30-10:30 Sarajevo Virtual Cultural Heritage
Selma Rizvic. Faculty of Electrical Engineering Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina).

10:30-10:45 Coffee Break

10:45-11:45 The roman & medieval Bologna
Antonella Guidazzoli. CINECA. Bologna (Italy).

11:45-12:45 Ename 974 project
Daniel Pletinckx, Visual Dimension Bvba (Belgium).

12:45-13:00 Discussion


V-Must, Network of Excellence (7FP) - Spanish Society of Virtual Archaeology (SEAV)
ISCTE - IUL - Escola de Sociologia e Politicas Publicas - Mestrado em Gestão e Estudos da Cultura

SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEEVictor M. Lopez-Menchero (Spanish Society of Virtual Archaeology)
Paula André (ISCTE- Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)
Alfredo Grande (Spanish Society of Virtual Archaeology)
Maria João Vaz (ISCTE- Instituto Universitário de Lisboa)
Angeles Hernandez-Barahona (Spanish Society of Virtual Archaeology)
Daniel Pletinckx (Visual Dimension Bvba. Belgium)


martes, 21 de enero de 2014

20 Contratos europeos para Preservación Digital del Patrimonio Cultural. Abierto plazo de solicitudes

Hace pocas semanas, el santuario medieval de A Virxe da Barca en Muxía, quedaba reducido a cenizas en apenas 2 horas. En mayo de 2011 gran parte del patrimonio histórico de Lorca era destruido por un terremoto que apenas duraba unos segundos. Pocos meses después unos ladrones se hacían con el principal mosaico romano de Baños de Valdearados en solo una noche. Catástrofes naturales, guerras o actos de vandalismo ponen en riesgo todos los días nuestro rico patrimonio cultural, haciéndonos reflexionar sobre la fragilidad del legado que nos han dejado nuestros antepasados. Es evidente que no podemos luchar contra las fuerzas de la naturaleza o las casualidades del destino. Sin embargo, un nuevo proyecto europeo pretende ayudarnos a preservar digitalmente esta inigualable herencia cultural. Se trata de Initial Training Network-Digital Cultural Heritage. Con una duración de 4 años y un presupuesto que ronda los 3,5 millones de euros el proyecto desarrollará un método de trabajo rápido y eficaz de documentación tridimensional del patrimonio cultural. Para ello empresas, universidades y centros de investigación de excelencia de toda Europa ofertaran 20 becas/contratos de alto nivel para estudiantes pre o postdoctorales, que quieran trabajar durante algunos años en este nuevo campo del conocimiento. El plazo para presentar solicitudes está abierto en http://www.itn-dch.org/